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Krmení kotětem novorozence

A better life for abandoned and injured animals that would otherwise not survive

Save a cat from the streets of Qatar

Help me save an innocent life. At least one. The animals are suffering, starving, in pain, and you can see the suffering in their eyes. But you also see hope there. Hope that YOU will help them. 


I am a Slovak girl living in Qatar and my name is Miroslava Parízková.

I grew up surrounded by animals all my life.
Maybe it's because mom is a veterinarian, or it's just because
I see in the souls of animals what I'm still looking for in
people. If I were younger and knew what I know today,
I would have taken a different professional path and would have followed the profession of a mother.

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Capture, transport to the vet, veterinary care, hospitalization, search for an adoptive family. An endless struggle with the system and finances. However, every single rescued animal is a win. Win with me too. If you can spare a euro or a couple, you will help me save an innocent life. I have exhausted my funds and unfortunately it cannot continue without further financial assistance
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